Monday, September 14, 2015

Rumah Serambi Pahang : Website Layout and Idea


For my next project, i was assigned to design a mock website to polish my skill in using space and shape as a medium of communication. As a start, i have brainstormed a website layout to execute my website. Basically, i am making an informational website to share about my research on Rumah Serambi Pahang.

upon redirected to the website, an image of a door of Rumah Pahang is presented as an invitation; a warm welcome to give a good first impression for the website.

This is the website main menu layout
As I am making an informational website, so above fancy is the functionality and usability of the website. Albeit simpe, i will use minimal color (in which i haven't decided yet) so that the focal point that is projected mainly on the beauty of the picture and the information of the website.

Content Page

As you click on a button, the page will redirect you to a specific page to tell about the details of the building. the page is more or less the same with the menu, but there is absence of advertisement and filled with a text box to show the information that is intended to be told respectively.

Writer's Profile Page

The writer's profile page is intended to show a profound image of the writer, to establish a credibility, and the page is mainly focused on telling about the writer only.

Picture Slide Idea

To make the picture slide looks outstanding, i drafted a template of picture slide layout idea to show that there are a lot more in progress before the mock website is finalized.
I have not consulted my lecturer yet to finalize the design, but as soon as my design are being sorted out well, i will update it on this blog.


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