Talking on a 21st century-basis, coffee has been a huge symbol of elegance, professional yet casual drink for people that needs an extra start up to begin their day. The packaging of a coffee is a vital factor before all to compete in this challenging era of the world.
Before its too late, I am happy to introduce myself. My name dany, and i am currently taking American Credit Transfer Program in Intec Education College, located in Shah Alam. For my first year degree project, i am assigned to make a company corporate profile and product (comprises product packaging, logo, business card and letter head).
For my first post, i will basically show how my product research has been going on to give you a little insight what kind of product will i produce in the future.
For a start, lets have a look on a few coffee drinks that is among the top choices in our beloved country, Malaysia.
from left : Nescafe (canned), Pokka (canned), Nescafe (boxed), Wonda Coffee(Canned)
Based on my observation, all these coffees are packaged in their own respective ways because of certain reasons:
1. Colors are universal according to the types of coffee : goldenrod for premium regular coffees, dark green for rich coffees (including cappuccino), purple for mocha and cream/light brown for latte.
2. All coffee brands will have a nutritional facts, expiry date, company logo, product manifest, ingredients, images of coffee (mostly illustrated) and production location.
3. On every packaging, one company would always put two side of their corporate logo,product name and product manifest.
To be specific, i use pokka canned coffee to show you the direct examples of what is going on in a coffee packaging:
Two sided of product name, company logo and product manifest.
The product name and logo.
Nutritional facts, ingredients and production location.
Image of coffee (partially illustrated)
In my own packaging of product, i would insert all of these factors and abide with the universal color code of coffees.
For packaging, i would make a package of 3-in-1 cappuccino coffee. I have studied a package of Nescafe 3-in-1 that has been a popular brand for the society in Malaysia. On a package, there are a few details that have to be inserted so that the design become relevant:
1. Product name, logo, and image (regardless illustrated or raw) on the front side
2. The preparation instruction on one side
3. Ingredients on one side
4. Nutritional facts and production location on the back side
the front side
instructions on one side
ingredients on one side
nutritional facts at the backside
For my product, i would make a cappuccino packaging abiding the color codes and all the details that are needed on the packaging itself.
For your information, my product is targeted to be sold for individuals who is busy, craving for elegance and also happen to be in the age ranging from teenage years to adulthood (probably 18-30++). So it is a challenge for me to produce a coffee that look casual yet professional that could attract the intended market.
In conclusion, i would make three products packaging (in total), comprising of:
1. A canned premium coffee
2. A boxed latte coffee
3. A packaged 3-in-1 cappucino coffee
Stay tuned for more progress on Coffee Dany design progress.
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