Wednesday, October 14, 2015

more bubbles! - portrait vector

Hi everyone! Today I'll be updating my portrait vector progress for the last time. After the previous update on it, I was told to edit it some more several times - I added more bubbles and changed the color of the cat's fur.  The concept was supposed to be of distortion and fading away but bubbles is also okay, if you wanna call it that. So here is the final product of my portrait vector.

Hence, since I was so satisfied with how pretty and pastel everything is, that I wanted to use this for my CD cover. Although Miss Ida disapproves, I will somehow try to incorporate this into the my final submission later. I think it's really cute, and being able to use the concept of pastel and distortion for my CD will actually be really cool if I put in enough effort to make it work, and I will try my best to do so as Miss had given us an extension for our final evaluation.

Also, following this update, I would like to encourage anyone who reads this to come and visit our exhibition on the 21st-23rd of October at INTEC Education College's Library, first floor. It will be open for public then and you can see our progress and final products live! It'll also be great support to all of us if you come and watch. Thank you for reading this blog since the beginning of the semester! Without us realizing it, it's already near the end of the semester. See you again next semester!

-Elyna Mahzan, out.

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