Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Coffee Dany : Packaging and Stationery Items Progress

For Coffee Dany's packaging and company stationery items, i have almost done with everything, just a slight issues that made me have to redo a certain piece- but that's alright. Here are my progress for product packaging :

Final design for Mocha Kaw by Coffee Dany, a bottled coffee drink

Final design for Kelatte by Coffee Dany, a canned coffee drink

Final design for Premium Coffee by Coffee Dany, a bottled coffee drink
After being printed out and pasted on bottle and can, the design looks pretty awesome and satisfying.

 The packaging is printed on glossy papers, and is UV-laminated to create an exclusive look on itself. Although, some alteration needs to be done fo the premium coffee packaging because the bottle was slightly damaged during the process.

For my stationery items, all of it comprising a business card, an envelope and a letter head have been printed out successfully. Here is the results:

My business card is printed on a art card, UV-laminated to add an exclusivity for the cards beholders.

The letter head of the company is simple, yet resembles the same corporate design to show the strength of the corporate color and design of the company.
Same for the envelope, stripes of dark brown  dots  are presented in front and at the back of the envelope. A printed seal of the company's logo is printed on top of the envelope flop.

That is all for Coffee Dany product packaging and stationery items. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Stir the coffee in the pot immediately after brewing if you make your own. Stirring the fresh brew helps to release all of the flavor and smell. You'll notice how much better coffee this way.

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